What If They Cured Type 2 Diabetes and No One Noticed?

If the ketogenic diet can reverse diabetes, why isn’t your doctor recommending it?

Piper Steele
The Startup


Online Marketing/Unsplash

When Sami Inkinen was diagnosed with pre-diabetes in 2012, he wasn’t an overweight couch potato. Far from it. The founder of real estate website Trulia was an elite athlete, earning the title of Half Ironman World Champion in his age group the year before.

“I didn’t understand how it was possible,” Inkinen said about the diagnosis in a 2017 interview with Forbes. “I had thought that diabetes was a disease of uneducated, lazy people who had no willpower.”

Over the next few years, Inkinen would learn a lot more about diabetes — that it affects over 30 million people in the U.S. and that an estimated one in three adults has pre-diabetes (although 90% don’t know it).

He would learn that diabetes can kill, leading to kidney failure, loss of vision…



Piper Steele
The Startup

Journalist/author/editor specializing in money, relationships, food and health. Fan of brunch, Stephen Colbert, heated car seats. Click follow ⬇