What I’m Doing as the Recession Gets Worse (To Avoid Going Broke)

A potential 2008-style bank collapse is in the making

Tim Denning
The Startup
Published in
6 min readOct 11, 2022


Photo by Batuhan Doğan on Unsplash

A nuclear war isn’t how I thought I’d start fatherhood.

Only a few weeks until I become a dad. Yet the madman in charge of the largest country in the world could release his rockets, although I doubt it. Reagan found a way to get Gorbachev to take a chill pill.

Same with the Cuban missile crisis. Crisis averted. Nonetheless, this type of news doesn’t help the global economy.

We’ve been in a technical recession since the start of the year. High inflation has added another layer of pain, thanks to 40% of US dollars in history being created since March 2020.

Making interest rates higher to offset the inflation caused by all the money created out of thin air hasn’t helped either.

The hope was the recession would be over by now. It’s not.

Here’s what I’m doing. It’ll give you a few ideas.

Watch interest rates like a hawk

The world is in a huge amount of debt. More than ever before.

This means there’s a point where higher interest rates will break the market. Just like the banks overcorrected during…



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Tim Denning
Tim Denning

Written by Tim Denning

Aussie Blogger with 1B+ views that made me 7-figures — Get my free email course: https://timdenning.com/1k-mb

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