What is a Content Mission Statement? And Why Do You Need One?

Keep your content activity focused and make sure your efforts don’t fall over after an early burst of enthusiasm

dan brotzel
The Startup


Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

According to the Content Marketing Institute, only 37% of B2B marketers say they have a documented content marketing strategy, and only 18% say they have an editorial mission statement.

Does this matter? When you start creating content, such planning tools and strategic thinking can seem a bit unnecessary. You may feel instinctively that you know your brand, you’ve got a good sense of who you’re creating content for, and the room is buzzing with ideas. Let’s just get cracking!

But, as anyone who’s ever tried to complete a book or thesis or feature film can tell you, it’s very hard to keep anything going over the long term without some agreed plan or vision up front for what you’re trying to say, to whom, and how. And also — just as usefully, and if only by implication — what you’re not trying to do.

Enter the content mission statement.

What is a content marketing mission statement?

A content mission statement is basically just a bit of (not necessarily very sexy) copy that seeks to distil the…



dan brotzel
The Startup

Funny-sad author of The Wolf in the Woods (Bloodhound); order at geni.us/wolfinthewoods | Hotel du Jack | Slackjaw, Pithead Chapel, X-Ray, The Fence | Pushcart