What Is Data Journalism and Why Is It Replacing the Old-fashioned Style?

Shadi Saleh, PhD
The Startup


Data journalism (aka data-driven) is an emerging approach that involves techniques from several disciplines, including journalism, statistics, data science and data visualisation to tell a story about a specific topic.

Berret and Phillips define data journalism as: A field that encompasses a suite of practices for collecting, analyzing, visualizing, and publishing data for journalistic purposes.

61% of journalists analyze and use data to create stories at least weekly, a marked increase from 36% in 2017. This means that data journalism is far more common today.

In this article we will show you how to prepare a data-driven story and why data journalism is the trend in journalism now.

Difference between classical journalism and data journalism

In the classical journalism, let’s say that you first interview a person, then you create a story about that interview, or the same with an event, you attend some event, take some photos, obtain multiple feedbacks from attendees and then maybe add you own observation, and finally you have a story to publish!

In data journalism, you do your interview with the data instead, you have a story and you use the data to help…



Shadi Saleh, PhD
The Startup

Senior Data Scientist at Datasentics, PhD holder in Cross-lingual Information retrieval in the Medical domain from UFAL-Charles University. I blog to chill.