What Is NPM? -A Simple English Guide to Truly Understanding the Node Package Manager

Sunny Singh
The Startup
Published in
8 min readOct 14, 2020

You may have seen tutorials online where they tell you that you need to install something using NPM. Generally, you’re given the command to copy and paste, and without really thinking, you do so.

However, what’s really going on whenever you’re using NPM? When you copy and paste commands from a tutorial, do you truly understand what they mean?

What is NPM?

NPM stands for Node Package Manager and is one of the multiple package managers (others include Yarn, Bower, etc.) available for the Javascript programming language. Furthermore, it’s the default package manager for Node.js.

NPM has a command-line client, which is generally how you install packages. What seems magical is how NPM knows what to download. All you do is give the name of the package you’d like, and NPM knows where to get it from. This is because NPM has an online database of public and paid-for private packages called the NPM registry.

The NPM registry can be accessed online.

So whenever you type in something like:

$ npm install styled-components

It will look for styled-components as the key and find where to download the package from the online database. NPM takes care of downloading and installing Styled Components for you.

What is a Package Manager?

Essentially, a package manager is a collection of software tools that a developer can use to automate managing packages in a standardized manner.

Imagine having to manually download libraries such as React, Redux, Styled Components to get your project running. You’d have to check each package’s version number and get the correct dependencies as well. That doesn’t really sound like time well-spent for a developer.

That’s where NPM comes in, as a software tool, and helps us, developers, out. We no longer have to manage third-party packages for our project manually. It’s all been made easy with NPM.

Thanks, NPM.

What Purpose Does NPM Serve?

Like mentioned before, NPM helps with managing packages for our project. Since NPM automates managing packages, developers can focus more on developing and less on packages' maintenance.

So it acts as an assistant to the developer. How a doctor diagnoses a problem and tells his or her assistant to get a specific tool, you will be able to diagnose a bug, determine the best possible solution for it and have NPM retrieve the packages, otherwise known as the tools.

Developers picking out third-party packages

High-Level Overview of NPM

As a general rule, any project that is using Node.js will need a package.json file. The package.json file is basically the control panel for NPM. This is where you tell NPM which libraries you want to import, information about source control, project metadata, and more.

Whenever you run npm install, NPM will look to your package.json file and look at what libraries you want to import.

Before we go any further, though, we should understand the difference between a local and global installation. There is a slight distinction that plays a part in the package.json file.

Local Installation

A local installation downloads the package files into your project’s folder. The package files are installed “locally” to your project.

You may sometimes notice a node_modules folder in your projects. This is the folder that holds those downloaded files. As you add more packages to your project, this folder will get heavier.

Whenever you are working with Git, it is recommended not to push the node_modules folder because of how large it can get. Rather the recommended action is to use the --save flag whenever installing a package, so it gets tracked in your package.json file. Instead of pushing the entire node_modules folder, you will push the package.json file that contains all the packages to download. Teammates can download the package.json file and locally install the node_modules folder themselves.

Global Installation

Think of a global installation as if you’re downloading the package to your computer so you can use it outside of your current project. You can globally install a package by using the -g flag when installing. So, for example, if you wanted to install the Webpack CLI globally, you would use the following command:

$ npm install -g webpack-cli

This will allow you to use the Webpack CLI anywhere on your computer. NPM takes care of hooking things up with your operating system to be used outside of your project.

When to Use Global or Local

There are a few rules of thumbs that you can follow to know when to install globally versus installing locally.

  1. If the packages include command-line tools, download them globally.
  2. If the packages are to be used for your project, download them locally.
  3. If you need to do both, install both globally and locally.

What is the NPM Registry?

The NPM registry is a database collection of open-source packages for Node.js, front-end frameworks, and Javascript in general. When you install NPM onto your machine, the default registry URL is set to https://registry.npmjs.org/

If you put that link into your browser, you’ll get back a JSON object that gives some information about the NPM registry.

Whenever you run npm install <package-name> you are telling NPM to look for the package name through the registry URL. This is how NPM can find the packages that you are looking for.

Dev Dependencies

Sometimes you’d like to install a package just for development. Think of packages meant for unit testing, pre-processors, loaders, minifiers, etc.

These packages are not required for the project to run; however, they help the development team get the job done faster. Whenever you run into a package that is meant to help the development team, you want to install that package as a “dev dependency.”

For example, I recently integrated Storybook into my work’s codebase. It has helped us become efficient with our front-end development. However, Storybook is not needed for the application that the user will use to run. So I installed Storybook as a dev dependency.

To install a package as a dev dependency, add the --dev flag to your npm install command. For example, if you also wanted to install Storybook into your project as a dev dependency, you can use the following command:

$ npm install storybook --dev

How Does NPM Help Achieve Business Goals?

Tying NPM back into your employer’s business goals can be a tough one for sure. However, NPM can play a crucial role in the development team and the overall business.

Automating the management of third-party packages saves developers time from doing mundane work—less time spent on downloading and checking dependencies and more time spent on developing.

Folks have been using NPM for a long time now. However, it’s nice to step back and be grateful for our developer community's tools. Imagine if NPM or any other worthwhile package manager didn’t exist? Our jobs would be much harder.

The Basics of Using NPM

Below are the basic commands that you can use to get started with NPM. I will provide a short explanation with each of the commands.

  1. npm init
    This command will create a package.json file in your project. You can manually add packages to this file, or you can use the npm install command.
  2. npm install
    This command will look into your package.json file and install all the packages that are listed in the package.json file.
  3. npm install <package-name>
    Installs the latest version of the package to your node_modules folder.
  4. npm install <package-name>@<version>
    Installs the specific version of the package to your node_modules folder.
  5. npm install -g <package-name>
    Installs a package globally to your computer.
  6. npm install --save <package-name>
    This installs a package locally and also appends it in the dependencies section in your package.json file.
  7. npm install --save-dev <package-name>
    This installs a package locally and appends it to the dev dependencies section in your package.json file.
  8. npm uninstall <package-name>
    Uninstalls the latest version of the package.
  9. npm uninstall <package-name>@<version>
    Uninstalls the specific version of the package.
  10. npm uninstall -g <package-name>
    Uninstalls a package globally.
  11. npm uninstall --save <package-name>
    Uninstalls the package and removes it from the dependencies section of your package.json file.
  12. npm uninstall --save-dev <package-name>
    Uninstalls the packages and removes it from the dev dependencies section of your package.json file.
  13. npm search <term>
    Search through the NPM registry for packages that match the search term.
  14. npm update -g <package-name>
    Updates the global package specified to the latest version.
  15. npm update <package-name>
    Updates the specified package for production.
  16. npm update --dev <package-name>
    Updates the specified dev dependency package.
  17. npm help <command>
    Gives some help for a specific command. Helpful when you’re not sure what a command does.
  18. npm docs <package-name>
    Opens a new tab in your browser that has the documentation for the package that you specified.
  19. npm bugs <package-name>
    If you’re ever curious about what bugs your installed third-party packages have, use this command, and it will open a new browser tab showing all known bugs with the package.
  20. npm repo <package-name>
    Opens a new tab with the repository page for the given package.
  21. npm ls
    Prints out all the versions of the packages that are installed in your local installation, as well as their dependencies.


NPM is a beneficial tool that helps free up a lot of time for developers to focus on development and have less manual mundane work. We have to be grateful that tools like NPM exist to automate many tasks for managing our third-party packages.

Remember that you interact with NPM through the command-line interface. Whenever you want to download a third-party package and install it into your project, you use npm install and specify the package name. From there, NPM will look through its registry to find the package and download it for you. It will then also manage to hook things up so you can start to use it for development.



Sunny Singh
The Startup

Backend developer passionate about leveraging practical solutions. Sharing insights on using software development and AI to solve problems. Connect for more!