What Is The Future Of Business?

Ideas for the future from what we see today

R. Shawn McBride
The Startup


Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

The business world is changing. You may or may not be feeling it right now. But there is definitely a shift going on.

As of the time of writing CEO’s confidence in the future outlook for business is declining.

While national fear of losing jobs to automation is low in the US it is well known that automation and technology changes will require new skills. And these changes will drive the need for changes in our business and workplace.

I am an attorney and CPA. For about two decades I’ve worked with other people on their business plans. And not I spend a lot of time researching, writing and speaking about the future of business.

So what will the future hold? What types of changes are we seeing? Let’s dive into it to help you plan for the future of business.

New Technology Is A Way Of Life

AI and machine learning are happening. The sales world is already shifting. From chat-bots (that didn’t work so well) to impersonal messages on LinkedIn to the need for an online presence it’s clear the business world is changing. Automation is being used by more and more of our competitors (often in a bad way) and it’s causing our market to shift.



R. Shawn McBride
The Startup

The Planning Done Right Guy(TM) — focus: The Future of Business — host of The Future Done Right(TM) Show on YouTube. https://linktr.ee/ourshawnmcbride