What is the ROI of guest blogging?

Luca Tagliaferro
The Startup
Published in
20 min readJan 11, 2020


To find out, I have analysed 379 guest posts and interviewed 20 authors.

This below shows what are the expectations of authors about guest posting within the SEO/ marketing sphere. It’s a reflection of the industry’s perception of what guest posting can do for yourself or your business. They are the reason why guest writing is attractive.

Many authors (61%) are motivated by increasing traffic to their blog and 39% by making money and build their own brand (company/ individual).

50% of them are interested in link building, either for their business or themselves.

Why did I start researching the ROI of guest posting for SEO publications?

Before we reveal the results of this research, let me tell you a short story.

This research is a result of my curiosity and the mistakes I have done when guest blogging. I want to share with you what I have learnt and what 20 global experts experienced.

I have started guest blogging a few years ago with miserable results. I have written for SEMRush.com, Searchengineland.com, Marketingland.com and many other global blogs for a total of more than 30 guest articles.



Luca Tagliaferro
The Startup

SEO Consultant for medium and large businesses. I write about digital marketing, SEO, customer acquisition, UX and CRO. www.lucatagliaferro.com