What Is Your Why?

Dan Todd
The Startup
Published in
3 min readJul 8, 2019


Who or what are you doing it for?

Today I want to get you, yes YOU, the reader to really think about this question. It’s something that I personally believe is very important to constantly ask yourself, and keep it in the back of your mind at all times.

The answer, which will be different for everyone, is something we often forget when we’re busy working each and every day, whether on our Startup or existing business, or even as an employee at someone else’s business.

But by constantly reminding ourselves of the answer, and putting things in place to ensure we never forget, will really start to boost productivity and provide endless motivation.

The question, as you’ve guessed from the title — is what is your why?

Why do you do what you do? Why do you wake up at 5am and start working?

Why do you work til late every single night? Why do you work on weekends and bank holidays?

Now for some, this is quite a personal and emotional question, so some may find it hard to dig deep and come up with the answer and that’s fine. It’s a big question.

Money may seem to be the obvious answer to give at first, but you need to dig even deeper — what do you want that money for? For some, a flash car, holidays and a big house. For many more however, I…

