What I’ve Been Reading Lately

Quarterly reflection on the books that influenced me

Conor Dewey
The Startup


Vagabonding, Principles, The Alchemist, Drive, Blue Ocean Strategy, Hooked

Over the past 3 months, I’ve been reading more than ever. Nothing insane like you hear from some others out there, but definitely an increase over my normal frequency.

Admittedly, a lot of this has to do with spending more time on my own during my solo travel. Any time I was taking a break from sightseeing, moving from one place to another, or eating a meal by myself, I would fire up my Kindle and read for a little.

I’m planning on keeping this habit up as we move into next quarter, but I’ve realized that going through a book cover-to-cover and then setting it down isn’t enough. In order to better retain and understand what you read, you need to take time to reflect on the information and summarize any key findings and lessons.

This post is my way of doing this while also sharing my insights and book recommendations with you. You’ll find the 6 books that I recently read below with a short summary followed by some takeaways from me and finally, a link to check out the book if you’re interested.

Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel



Conor Dewey
The Startup

Product at Metabase. Previously growth at Hugo and data science at Squarespace. Writing here now: https://www.conordewey.com