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What Keeps Customers Coming Back?

The secret to retaining customers

Rodrigo Lopez
Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2019


Two weeks ago my wife and I invited a friend to dinner at the new Blue Ribbon restaurant. After the staff turned an unforgivable mistake into a wonderful story we now share with friends, it got me thinking about why I would return.

I realize that I, and almost everyone I know, keep returning and happily handing over our money to the same businesses. What makes these businesses special?

I believe their common denominator is a focus on hiring. Specifically, they hire people that exhibit these characteristics:

  1. Kindness — People that genuinely care about others. Employees that are naturally caring and considerate tend to treat customers respectfully and courteously.
  2. Gratitude — A complete lack of entitlement. People with a deep sense of gratitude who do not feel they are owed anything, but rather that they owe something back — that they ought to pay their gift forward.
  3. Generosity — People who derive joy from giving have a natural tendency to think of others and what they could do for them. They are typically great observers, detail-oriented and better able to recognize a customer’s need before the customer themselves realizes it.
  4. Empathy“[T]he action of understanding, being aware

