What programming language has the happiest developers?

Ing. Jan Jileček
The Startup
Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2020


There are a lot of stereotypes in the IT world, like “PHP is the worst language” or that “Python is for beginners”. Thankfully, we can find the truth using github and data from developer surveys.

Data acquisition

Github is a platform familiar to any developer. Not only can it be used as a versioning tool, but also to gather repository and project statistics, user profile data and comments. That way we can access the information about age, gender and profile photos. Microsoft Face API is just the right tool for the job.

Github provides a list of the 25 most popular repositories and displays top 5 contributors. Eigencoder app, which I will be using, detects 30–80 profile photos from each repository and analyzes them.


The Face API has the ability to detect gender from facial structure. The results here are quite one sided. AI and Webdev languages have at least some female energy.


The age metric turned out to be interesting. Older languages should be presumably used by older programmers, but Java has the…



Ing. Jan Jileček
The Startup

INTP, UE5 dev, Master’s degree in comp-sci, Creator, indie game developer, director, writer, photographer. I like BJJ, Jungian psychology, mythology and memes.