What Sheldon Cooper Taught me About Problem Solving and Learning Effectively?

Nirmit Shah
The Startup
Published in
7 min readJun 18, 2019


Source: Big Bang Theory

We all deal with problems every day.

Sometimes problem-solving is a breeze. The other times, more often than not, it’s frustrating.

Tell me, if you are familiar with this picture.

The eyes closed in concentration, the forehead creased with focused attention and your brain trying real hard to look for that breakthrough moment.

Source: Big Bang Theory

But as you might have often realized, we can't obliterate those mental blocks by simply focusing too hard.

So what can we do to make our problem-solving efforts less frustrating?

Is there a brain hack we can use to break down the mental blocks?

And since learning new things is also one form of problem-solving, can we use tricks to optimize our learning process as well?

The answers to all of these questions is a cheerful YES.

Before we can get to the how part of it, let’s see what Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang theory did when he faced a Physics problem he couldn’t solve.

When Sheldon Cooper…



Nirmit Shah
The Startup

Self Improvement Junkie on a mission to help students & young professionals grow and improve. Visit www.theveningproject.com to know more about the how & what.