What to Expect From a Post-Pandemic Digital Society

Exploring the new realities of business and personal life

Doug Antin
The Startup


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Past events shape and inform our present decisions and these events combine to impact our future.

The Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic is an event that will be remembered for a long time. The consequences of our decisions will no doubt have a significant impact on the future development of global society. Although we are in the early stages of an outbreak, it's already clear there will be several lasting consequences.

In this essay, you can expect to gain an understanding of technologies and concepts that will converge in the near future as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. By understanding this inflexion point, we can better position ourselves for the inevitable future.

Adapting to Digital Society

Here is a simple truth: moving forward, the business that can be done online will be done online. The virus is forcing a societal shift from physical interactions to increasingly digital interactions. This was already happening but the shift will create a gold rush for tools and frameworks for existing in digital life. It will accelerate the Rise of the Global Digital Citizen.

