What You Need To Understand About High-Ticket Clients

Use think-outside-of-the-box freelance method

Ryan Porter
The Startup


Photo by Dylan Posso on Unsplash

Finding freelance work is like going to the Cheesecake Factory.

After pouring over the massive menu and turning the server away three times because you don’t know what to order, you resort to the one thing you’ve tried before. You could pick anything, but you’re overwhelmed.

So you want to be a freelancer, eh? The 9–5 office lifestyle doesn’t suit you, hmm? I don’t blame you. Wasting away on an open-floor office plan isn’t how I want to go either, but I’d be knee-deep in a full-time job if it weren’t for my clients and my nagging side-hustles.

But that’s my situation; what about yours?

Either you have no idea where to find freelance work, or more likely, you know where to find work, but you don’t know how to make enough to make a living. Between time spent applying for gigs and time spent completing the job, most freelancers:

  • Don’t make that much money
  • Are burnt out by the process
  • Give up and hit the full-time job market

A regular salary on Upwork is $16 an hour after fees, after all. That’s hardly sustainable. But there is hope, and it lies in high-ticket clientele.



Ryan Porter
The Startup

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