What’s in a name?

Hey! You got the same name I do!

Barb Caruso
The Startup
3 min readJan 27, 2020


Image courtesy of Pixabay | https://pixabay.com/images/id-1209678/

I once did a search for myself online and found not only was I a famous author but I was also a grandmother! Wow! Who knew considering I don’t have kids.

Not me!

My name is very common and I am sure if you did some research on yourself you ran into this issue too. You have the same name as many other people out there. It doesn’t mean you are them or that you cloned yourself to become them. It just means you were one of the lucky ones.

Did you get tied in with a serial killer with the same name as you? Are you finding others taking your hard work and making it their own just because you have the same name as they do?

I’ve dealt with this my entire life and I hate it so much! My name is the same as my mom’s. Except for her maiden name which we do not share, thank goodness. But it doesn’t stop people from assuming I am her when I am definitely not!

I have degrees and worked so hard to earn them. I take the time to help as many people as possible. I also am nothing like my mom.

Now, I love my mom — I’m sure you’ve been there too, but I want to strangle her when she posts or acts like a loon or idiot and people assume it was me. Which it most certainly was not. I do not tolerate it, nor do I condone it.

Recently, I was bullied and harassed because of someone with a similar name as me. Which stinks to high heaven since it was not me.

I’m confused already BUT so are so many others.

In an effort to break the cycle I decided to change my living situation to another town and state just to get away from the similarities. Maybe by taking that action, it will help break the cycle.

Misunderstandings happen. Sure, people get confused. BUT when you’re getting attacked and have no idea what these people are talking about then the situation just becomes out of control.

I am NOT someone else nor do I pretend to be. I am just me.

You are you too, just in case you forgot that.

People are crazy. Bullying sucks. Most of all when you’re being judged for the actions of others, that’s just downright offensive. I hate it.

So, what’s in a name? A lot actually. It distinguishes you from others and defines you in a way you wish to be represented by the hard work you put into yourself. I work so hard to focus on who I am, I don’t need to be lumped with someone else assumed to be me.

I cannot control what other people think, but it’s a nightmare to not control what other people think of me when they lump me in with someone else.

How do you deal with it? I’m curious and would love to know.

All comments and opinions are my own. Every word is from my experience or research. A Graduate with a Master’s in Arts from the University of Florida in Mass Communication taking pride in the Gator Community and ethical practices of journalist integrity.



Barb Caruso
The Startup

UF MA Mass Communication | Masters Project Management | Dual BS Computers & Electronics Engineering Technology | Photographer | Author | Violinist | Go Gators ❤