When Blockchain Meets Artificial Intelligence

The convergence of Blockchain and AI can enhance machine learning and enable AI to create and trade financial products

Raj Shroff
The Startup


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Artificial Intelligence solutions will soon run on top of blockchains, increasing machine learning capability and even creating new financial products.

Blockchain-AI convergence is inevitable because both deal with data and value. Blockchain enables secure storage and sharing of data or anything of value. AI can analyze and generate insights from data to generate value.

We will consider two (out of many) areas where blockchain and AI can be combined. First, we’ll explore how machine learning models can be collaboratively improved on blockchains. We will see this in the near future since Microsoft already working on this. Then, we will look at how AI agents can autonomously create and trade new financial instruments over blockchains. Finally, we’ll look at how organizations can position themselves for the blockchain-AI convergence.

First, a reality check. Most of the chatter about startups combining blockchain and artificial intelligence is largely hype. These companies are very young, with few clients and not much commercialization.

