When Do You Begin To Get Old? The Day You Skip the Gym

Age is not a number; it’s the ability to move

Helen Cassidy Page
The Startup
Published in
6 min readSep 8, 2019


Line up twenty average, healthy people of various ages, say 30–70, and ask them to walk briskly up and down the block two or three times. Then guess their ages.

I guarantee, you’ll add years to the ages of the couch potatoes and take as much as a decade off the folks who exercise regularly.

What will give their ages away?

The shuffle, the slouch, the panting at the end of a relatively short workout. The grimace at having to push the body to work a little harder than it’s used to.

This very unscientific test isn’t about expecting a 70-year-old-woman to have the fitness level of a 30-something. If you were an expert on this panel and conducted some tests, you’d find that the older men and women who exercised regularly didn’t just look better in their jeans, they had developed potent weapons to fight the effects of aging.

Take a look at just one study to prove that skipping your workouts is hazardous to your health.

The University of Birmingham group showed that regular exercise throughout one’s life could turn back the clock on the immune…



Helen Cassidy Page
The Startup

Writer, editor, researcher, aging expert, life coach, sand tray coach. Read one of my 55 titles on Amazon: https://www.HelenCassidyPageBooks.com