When is The Right Time To Start Your Venture?

Hardik Vishwakarma
The Startup
Published in
3 min readApr 23, 2019

This article is for all the wannabe entrepreneurs who think if it is the right time to get started, here is the story of my life. I started too early, failed my times but kept on going.

When I was 19 years old, I started my own food startup with my colleague. We used to deliver food in the streets of India, at that time it was very hard to make our clients order online from our website. We were leaving no stone unturned to deliver the best quality food, but we realized that we were ahead of time & it will take 1–2 more years for people to understand the technology in India.

Though we were ahead of time, it was our failure and we had to shut down our 1st business. I was so depressed when our 1st business shut down, and could not think about anything else when I was 20.
Defining your targeted market & potential clients were one of the biggest lessons I learned at such a young age.

I decided to start my IT Company at the age of 21, my target was the global market this time. The result was the same because I had no experience working in an IT company. I had to face problems in customer acquisition, project delivery & in finding the right candidates for the growth of my organization.

It took me 3 years to learn various entrepreneurial skills, though I had one from the beginning i.e., risk-taking ability :)

I along with my colleague who was the Chief Technical Officer of India’s one of the biggest company, started our own venture which provides applicant tracking system & resolves recruitment problems of startups & mid-sized companies. This time we were fully prepared for the upcoming challenges & made our product as simple as possible, we didn’t add too many complex features & within a year, Gartner rated us #1 recruitment software vendor for SMB’s.

The reason behind telling this story was, starting early or late doesn’t matter. I failed many times in my life but I had commitment, passion, learning from previous mistakes & dedication to achieve my goal which helped me build the world’s easiest recruiting tool, Recooty.

I have kept on making myself better every day which has significantly helped me in breaking my previous records.

If you think you are too late, just Google about Colonel Sanders, a man who started at 65 and failed 1009 times before succeeding. Your age might be the number of years of experience & skill sets you have.

Start as early as possible, you might fail many times but this will really help you build a better company.

Hope you’ve liked my article :)

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