When Should You Invest in Marketing for your Company’s Brand?

Anthony Tumbiolo
The Startup


There were also things I didn’t know that I didn’t know.

I mean… how could I? I was just figuring things out as I went along.

I don’t believe in mistakes. But I do believe in lessons -and in learning from them. Jakt is now a $4M/year business but, looking back, I wish I knew certain things.

One of those was when (and why) you should invest in marketing for your company’s brand.

Is marketing worth your time in the beginning?

During Jakt’s early years, I was extremely focused on serving our customers. Which meant I would spend a large share of my time doing production work.

That’s what made sense to me, right?

These were the activities with the highest short-term ROI. I to find new clients or I wouldn’t make payroll next month. I to work on the business so that we could eventually scale and fire myself.

So I get it. I really do.

I understand why many business owners just focus on that when they’re starting up. When you’re scrambling to survive, it can seem too far-fetched to think about anything else.



Anthony Tumbiolo
The Startup

CEO of @byJakt, a digital product studio || 5 Lessons that Would Have Saved Me $100,000+ → http://bit.ly/2Fk6iXG