When You Lose Passion for What You’re Creating — Stop!

Why I Gave Up 34k Followers on Tik Tok China

Yiqing Zhao
The Startup


Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

Last August I signed with an MCN (multi-channel network) in Beijing and became a Tik Tok (known as Douyin in China) influencer — teaching English to the Chinese audience. I invested in a vlog camera and studio lights and was posting 3–4 times a week.

Within two months I hit 10k followers. Then another 10k in the next two months. This February I reached 34k followers and was approached by business partners. I moved to a studio and thought I should monetize this thing.

In our MCN, a lot of the influencers from the same company were making 5 figures a month(in USD) with fewer than 100k followers. The top ones were having 7-figure months. It’s not surprising, given that the platform had over 600 million daily active users back in 2020.

Within a month following my move, I quit. I gave the MCN a heads up and quietly stopped posting. To be honest, I didn’t expect I would quit this way. But I knew from my guts it was the right decision.

Author’s Tik Tok profile page
Author’s Tik Tok Profile Page

I Stopped Learning & Growing

