Where Are The Women In Blockchain?

The Startup
Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2019
Source: Pixabay

This article was originally written for Forbes by Oddup Co-founder and COO, Jackie Lam, and can be found here.

Cryptocurrency and blockchain are set to become one of the largest disruptive technologies in the world. As expected, the sector has seen immense startup growth and investor interest. But as we continue to witness successes in fundraising, ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings), and application growth in blockchain technology, a worrying trend also comes to light — the extremely high gender inequality in the sector.

The gender bias in cryptocurrency and blockchain

Only 5% to 7% of all cryptocurrency users are women, making the industry a highly male-dominated one. This extends to every avenue of blockchain and cryptocurrency, proven by a brief look at the related statistics. In 2017, investors in Bitcoin witnessed wealth creation of approximately $85 billion — only $5 billion, or a mere 5.88%, of this was obtained by women. Ninety percent of Bitcoin users are men. When this group is expanded, it is seen that only a mere 1.76% of the entire Bitcoin community are women.

While it is common knowledge that the tech industry has always had a lack of women, cryptocurrency seems to be male-dominated right from its roots. Its earliest adopters primarily included male PC gamers and cyberpunk community members. In fact, cryptocurrencies gained popularity through websites, forums and apps like Reddit and 4chan which are also constituted primarily of male users.

Why the problem persists

Even over time, the gender bias problem has shown little significant improvement. Due to its origins of being male-dominated, the public perception of crypto-assets and Blockchain software continues to be that of an industry that is unappealing, and even unviable, for women. At the same time, cryptocurrencies and blockchain are strongly driven by coders, a profession that is more often than not considered to be male-driven. This furthers the existing imbalance in gender equality in the blockchain network.

It could be claimed that women find themselves discouraged from entering the industry due to their perceived aversion to risk. This supposed aversion could be further corroborated by scandals related to Bitcoin in its earliest stages, including the purchase of illegal drugs and the loss of $450 billion worth of Bitcoin after the collapse of Mt. Gox.

Although lack of gender diversity is not a new problem in the tech and finance sectors, there have been developments in cryptocurrency that are changing this imbalance. One such advancement in the field of blockchain funding is the recently popularized ICO, or Initial Coin Offering.

How ICOs are helping women join the blockchain network

ICOs are an example of how women can successfully overcome the gender bias in the crypto industry. The main reason for ICOs to come around was the limitation that people faced in VC funding. Although rarely explicitly stated, the truth remains that funding can be highly biased. The mettle of an executing team matters less than their pedigree. This isn’t something venture capitalists do intentionally; it is just something that happens because of a subconscious bias. The resume of a company will be the primary concern for a potential investor.

In 2016, only 4.94% of all successful VC fundraisers involved startups that were led by women. On an average, these deals received $4.5 million of funding, which is less than 50% of the $10.9 million per deal average achieved by startups led by men. Approximately 15.8% of startups around the world have women in their founding teams. A similar trend can be seen on the investment side where women make up only a reported 6% of VC firm partners.

ICOs, however, allow women to cut through any bias that may exist. An ICO is backed more by the whitepaper published than the people behind the product. This allows women the freedom to apply themselves to developing the next big startup idea without having to worry about VC funding bias. ICOs may help women raise funds that may have otherwise been beyond their reach, thereby making their entry into cryptocurrency and blockchain easier.

Increasing women participation in cryptocurrency

I believe, the industry as a whole can undertake some practices to implement better acceptance of women entrepreneurs in blockchain and cryptocurrency. Some other practices that can be incorporated include:

Informative campaigns that are targeted towards young girls in schools, nurturing an interest in cryptocurrencies and blockchain from a young age,

  • Increased application of cryptocurrencies and blockchain that take the products away from the niche market and make them more universally usable,
  • Increase the amount of knowledge, insight, and practice that young girls get on the topic of financial management.

Personally, I am encouraged that blockchain is open-source and growing. This suggests that more women can make a place for themselves in the cryptocurrency and the blockchain network. Gender disparity is not new but I feel that if, as a woman, you believe you have something of value to add then you need to simply go for it. It may not be easy and it may take time, but eventually it is the work you do that will speak for itself and that will attract interest from the right people.

You can read more of Jackie Lam’s articles on her LinkedIn profile here.

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The Startup

Oddup is the global leader in startup, investment, ecosystem, sector, and ICO insights and analysis.