Why adopt Infrastructure as Code?

Comparing different approaches of managing infrastructure

Anderson Carvalho
The Startup


We have different approaches to manage infrastructure resources. Each has its own pros and cons. Before deciding which one to follow it is wise to look at the trade-offs and the use cases.

So, let’s compare three different approaches to manage infrastructure. Let’s compare them on automation, security, learning curve, and incident response.

The approaches we will analyze are:

  • GUIs- Graphic user interfaces
  • CLIs- Command Line Interface tools
  • IAC — Infrastructure as Code

For those familiar with AWS, the GUI approach is using the Console, the CLI approach uses the AWS CLI, and the IAC approach uses CloudFormation. Other cloud platforms like Google Cloud Platform and Azure have similar tools that fall in these three approaches.


The automation winner is… Infrastructure as Code!
The automation winner is… Infrastructure as Code!

Automation is the process of replacing humans with machines. Usually, automation involves replacing humans in dangerous, boring, or simple but repetitive tasks. The machine, robot, or computer can perform a better job doing these tasks.

  • GUIs: Graphic user interfaces are difficult to automate. GUIs automation most of the time…

