Why a Comfortable and Constructive Culture at Work Is so Important

Part 1: the value of transparency at growing companies

Short Thoughts
The Startup


It is difficult to foster a comfortable and constructive working culture for employees. However, a good culture is one of the most important elements to consider when attempting to create a company destined for success. This article will explain some key elements of healthy workplace cultures. It will not focus on the processes needed to maintain a productive and open work environment at larger, well-established companies.

It will instead concentrate on the social attitudes and processes employees and founders at smaller companies which are scaling up should seek to instil and sustain as their companies grow. Cultivating these social attitudes is foundational for any entrepreneur’s effort to create a comfortable and constructive company culture for their employees.

When I finished my undergraduate degree, I took a job straddling marketing and customer experience at a small UK-based start-up company operating as an e-commerce fitness aggregator. I have now been there for approaching three years. Since joining, I have seen the company completely re-brand, including changing its name. I have experienced the introduction of new products. And I have seen its annual revenues more than double.



Short Thoughts
The Startup

I write about business, politics, marketing, writing, history, and other bits and pieces.