Why Being Authentic is Not Enough

Understanding emotional contagion can change the way we express ourselves towards others.

Tal Mandelbaum
The Startup


There is a certain buzz in our culture about being “authentic”. It’s usually defined as being real, true to your values, transparent and honest.

I think it’s a good aspiration. It’s good to share, to open up, to be who we are. I never believed in wearing masks or hiding away my true inner states.

However, over the years, I have realized something important.

Too much honesty and transparency can achieve the opposite results of what we aim for.

Being authentic and real is good and important. But blurting out everything that is on our mind and heart, is not.

Not without the awareness of how that influences our environment.

Research has consistently shown that our emotions influence people around us very powerfully, and are even more contagious than a common cold!

Emotional contagion happens when one person’s emotions or behaviors are mimicked by another person’s. Most of the time this happens subconsciously. It happens on the level of facial and body muscle fibers being…



Tal Mandelbaum
The Startup

Psychologist, spiritual teacher & mom, passionate about fulfilling our highest potential! Get my free “Sage’s Map of Reality” https://bit.ly/3AUnhLs