Why Believing in Yourself Makes You A Superhero

M.L. Moody
The Startup
Published in
5 min readDec 18, 2019

I find one of the single most difficult things to do when you embark on your journey towards your highest goals is believing in yourself. There’s something about being almost there that can you send you into a tailspin of confusion. Here’s some ways you can move into your truth by empowering your belief in your highest potential.

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

Study Your Favorite Superheroes

The journey of a superhero from being ordinary to being a bonafide action hero is one wrought with tension, conflict, and most importantly doubt. When we’re faced with these things as creatives and entrepreneurs, it usually means we’ve taken the most crucial step towards living in our truth and that is: commitment.

Photo by Vince Fleming on Unsplash

What usually happens in a superhero story? Well, there’s always one character who was born to do the thing. That character usually spends their time navigating the perils of purpose, validation, and the power that comes with it all.

What derails one the most when embarking on this journey? According to author Gay Hendricks it’s this, “Each of us has an inner thermostat setting that determines how much love, success, and creativity we allow ourselves to enjoy. When we exceed our inner thermostat setting, we will often do something to sabotage ourselves, causing us to drop back into the old, familiar zone where we feel secure. Unfortunately.”

The most critical thing from going ordinary to superhero is believing that you were born to do it no matter the obstacle.

Embrace Your History

It’s easy to think that you’re in this all alone but in fact you are not. Wherever you are you carry with you the living genome of your history. When things start to get messy it’s easy to point the finger to the most obvious places, towards those who did or did not raise you correctly. With a closer objective look at your culture and ancestry, you can rely on the point that there are a lot more facts that inform your struggle.

Photo by Justin Luebke on Unsplash

As you hit that pivotal juncture of acknowledging your highest truths through the pursuit of creativity and entrepreneurship you’ll find that you hit a crunchy spot full of limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging thoughts that might as well belong to a trash can.

This past week brought me an onslaught of terrifying feelings that I felt would be the end of me. These very feelings could cause you to fold in the tailspin and throw you uncomfortably under a bus.

I’ve recently looked through my genealogy and discovered that a majority of my family members had similar enthusiasm towards self-discovery as I do. My 7th Great Grandfather founded Rhode Island and established terms for religious freedom. There were writers, farmers, and female heroines lining my ancestral path. Learning my history and embracing it helped me put my experience into a greater context that is much larger than myself.

When you can grasp that you are a continuation of your genome’s expression, it somehow dons you with the holy grail of understanding.

I didn’t know any of this about myself but as I began to look it began to make more sense why I am the way that I am. This fact of association empowered me and validated my superhero journey. I was made for this. This is what I do.

Proceed Consciously

Evan Carmichael put together this sweet video compilation about “The 5 Lessons In Life People Learn Too Late.” What struck me the most from this episode was Will Smith talking in detail about every step he took from deciding he was going to go sky diving with his friends after a night of drinking to actually being there on the threshold of the plane door, waiting for his countdown to jump. He talks about the fear that led up to that simple act of letting go and jumping into the unknown. He summarized it best when he said that the best things are on the other side of terror.

Often times when we’re thinking about doing something we’ve never done before we go into a stressful mindset; our bodies tense up and it can be difficult to extricate yourself from a self-sabotage attack of can nots and have nots. What we don’t realize is that although we’re creating this energy around being afraid and unsure, we lose sight of staying in the present moment; because in reality there is only one moment to act. There will never be a moment before or after. Only when it arrives. Staying in our conscious self helps us to be ninjas in dealing with all the feels that come up when embarking on a satisfying entrepreneurial journey.

Know Your Mission

The great thing about being a superhero is the fact that all you have to do to reach your goals is to just be yourself.

How comforting is that? The most important thing is to know your mission. If you don’t know why you do the things you do, it’s impossible to know where you’re going. It is crucial to figure out who it is you’re saving. The best way to do that? Ask yourself, how do you need saving? What do you struggle the most with? These points most likely define your target audience and serve as a double edged sword when you’re struggling hard.

If you’re in the trenches and doing the work and not getting the results or better yet, getting slack because of your results, it’s easy to default to some sort of self-loathing and confusion. This is when reorienting yourself to your mission can be your saving grace.

So the next time you’re feeling challenged ponder these facts of life and I’m sure you’ll find a way out of that villainous territory in no time.



M.L. Moody
The Startup

Writer. Artist. Podcaster. Video Blogger. Entrepreneur. Here to dismantle my own white supremacy. What else is there? www.mlmoody.org