Why Businesses Should Start Focusing on Google’s Flutter and Fuchsia

A Smith
The Startup
Published in
4 min readNov 28, 2019

As a society that has evolved leaping from one big seismic shift to another, deep down all of us are constantly looking for that next big thing to happen around us. The last decade has been overpowered by mobile-phones or smartphones. The coming decade will be dominated by Internet of Things (IoT).

We are currently in the middle of the seismic shift already. Every single day we hear about one small leap that industry pioneers take in the field of technology. These small shifts, cumulatively in the future will be responsible for the ‘eureka’ moment in the era of technological revolution.

And two most prominent players leading the bandwagon today are Google’s Flutter and Fuchsia. They are the hydrogen fuel of renewable energy.

These software will allow the IoT enabled devices to change our daily lives and generate billions of dollars yearly by businesses big, medium, and small.


Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit developed by Google, used for developing applications for Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, and even Google Fuchsia.

The very first version of Flutter was known as codename “Sky” and it ran on the Android operating system. Flutter was first unveiled at the 2015 Dart developer summit, with the stated intent of being able to render consistently at 120 frames per second.

Even though for some it might be a hassle to learn an entirely new programming language, Dart, here are some of the most compelling reasons why taking the pain is worth every second.

Cross-platform: With the same renderer, framework, and libraries, you can hire dedicated cross platform app developer and Flutter will help create a single UI to run on both Android and iOS. Moreover, to ensure that your application feels equally at home on either platform, Flutter provides widgets styled according to Cupertino (iOS) and Material Design (Android) guidelines, along with a number of Flutter packages which gives you access to some platform-specific services and APIs.

Here is how a Hello World program in Flutter will look like:

Compatible quotient: The framework well with integrates with Java code on Android, and ObjectiveC and Swift on iOS, so you don’t have to completely rewrite your existing applications to start using Flutter.

Hot reload: This is one of the common practices to work on your application’s code while the application itself is running on an Android device to test changes as you make them. The overall time it takes for Android Studio to push each set of changes to the running application can suck up your development time.

To make your work more productive, Flutter comes with a “hot reload” feature which can inject updated source code into a running Dart Virtual Machine (VM). Inculcating hot-reload will make the changes that you made visible in under a second. Application state is also gets preserved, sparing you the time recreating the desired state manually. If your app has a login screen you won’t have to re-enter your login credentials following each hot reload.

Source:- Flutter.dev


Coming to Fuchsia, it is based on Google’s experience with Android and Chrome OS. Pertaining to Google’s philosophy of never settling with one product, they decided to embark on the journey of creating a new operating system altogether. We know that OS is at of all the devices that we use: iOS for mobile devices, OSX for computer, Windows for Microsoft and Google’s Android and Chrome OS.

The question is, why does a company decide to create an entirely new OS in today’s world?

One word answer to this question is: IoT. three simple letters: IoT. The millions of devices with the promise to create an all-connected world. Be it Amazon’s Alexa, self-driving cars from Tesla, intelligent temperature control devices and even smart locks for our homes.

The new OS from Google in based on a microkernel, which is simple and small yet power-packed. The system was first developed by LINUX, which Android and ChromeOS are based on. However, Google now decided to ditch LINUX and create a microkernel operating system with the capability to run on universal devices. It includes everything from embedded and IoT devices to smartphones, tablets and personal computers.

Google definitely plans to put Fuchsia in the billions of IoT devices in the next five years. And the key ingredient to that magic is Fuchsia’s user interface and apps, that are being written with Flutter.

Flutter will make app development easy and is being developed as the future system for mobile and IoT devices.

Flutter is easy to learn and one can even teach this language to themselves with no prior coding experience. This will be a learning curve for many developers and new coders, but anyone with a little experience will learn in two months, not two years. Diving into this now is real opportunity since business will soon start to realize the potential and start including Flutter and Fuchsia in their products as well as services.


The overall ease of learning and using Flutter will lower the barrier to entry for both learning and cost. The opportunity is perfect to get ahead of the curve in the fast-paced world of technology. You will thousands of articles, tutorials, and papers about Flutter on the internet. There are many free lessons and meetups all over the world which can help you get started on the path of success.



A Smith
The Startup

Albert Smith is a Digital Marketing Manager with Hidden Brains, a leading enterprise web & mobile app development company specializing in IoT, Cloud & Big Data