Why CEOs Should Care about Employee Activism

Employee activism is on the rise, a trend that isn’t diminishing any time soon.

Jon Mertz
The Startup


Photo by Jacob Padilla on Unsplash

For decades, the prevailing way for individuals to organize protests was through unions. But in recent years, employee activism has become a more popular way of mobilizing. We’ve seen evidence of this across the nation. Just this year alone, our country’s top tech companies have seen powerful examples of employee activism, from Amazon employees coming together to insist on climate change action to Google employees taking a stand about affiliating with government organizations that enforce the controversial border.

Whether or not a CEO welcomes employees mobilizing for a greater cause or resists it, cases of employee activism will continue to emerge, especially as Millennials start to shift into leadership positions and Generation Z continues to enter into the professional workforce.

Why should a CEO care about the employee activism trend?

There are plenty of reasons. However, to start, a CEO should not only care about employee activism but be open to its myriad benefits to the organization as a whole. Here are a few ways employee activism positively impact a corporation for both the staff and leadership:



Jon Mertz
The Startup

I am an experienced business leader and educator who challenges myself and others to lead more effectively and ethically in a complex and dynamic world.