Why Commitment Is the Toughest Thing to Do in Life, and Also the Best

Daniel Steamer
The Startup
Published in
6 min readSep 18, 2019


Photo by Austin Neill on Unsplash

Commitment is hard; it takes complete conviction. There’s no room for doubt or second-guessing, it’s all or nothing. You either jump, or you don’t.

How many times have you ever committed yourself to something? I mean fully committed? Probably not that much, right?

Do you leave yourself fallback plans for your big life choices? When you work out, do you push to failure or leave some gas in the tank? Are you, like most people, always trying to manage multiple possible outcomes, just in case?

I’ve been working my way through Benjamin Hardy, PhD’s AMP program for about a week now. I highly recommend it for anyone who feels like they’re not living their life at their maximum potential.

One of the big concepts in it is that you have to commit to changes at the start. Not just want them, not just kind of try and see what happens, but fully commit to them. You have to remove all other options, any hedging of doubts, and just go for your goals. It’s the only way you’re going to achieve them.

Sounds simple, right? Let me tell you something I learned in the last few days about commitment.

Commitment to significant changes is incredibly hard.



Daniel Steamer
The Startup

Endurance fitness coach. I empower individuals to surpass their limits and embrace an active lifestyle full of adventures. https://liveyourownadventures.com/