Why Companies Should Incorporate Learning into Everyday Work

Today’s workforce view jobs as growth and development opportunities.

Sonali Verghese
The Startup


Photo credit: Kimberly Farmer

Today’s workforce view their jobs as opportunities for growth and development . A global study by Manpower Group found that 93% of Millennials, who make up 35% of the global workforce, want to be lifelong learners, with four out of five indicating that the opportunity to upskill is a top factor when considering a new job. They are curious, want to acquire knowledge and desire to quickly grow and broaden their skillsets to stay employable.

In fact, Millennials are more likely than any previous generation to want their jobs to be growth opportunities. Why? Because they view their job as a key part of their lives, a reflection of themselves and their values— not as an activity to be “balanced”.

Technology is disrupting every aspect of work life, leading to an increase in demand for new skills every few years. Put another way, the workforce skills gap is increasing, placing a premium on intellectual curiosity and ongoing learning and development (L&D).

Some 80% of CEOs believe the need for new skills is their biggest business challenge.

Learning is mentally…



Sonali Verghese
The Startup

I write about startups/careers/business/culture/fitness.