Why Digital Minimalism Matters

And how to attain it

Dhrumil Patel
The Startup


Photo by Gilles Lambert on Unsplash

While commuting to work every day, I feel the urge to have the coffee (ain’t we all been there?). That’s the first thing where it goes wrong. When something becomes a need, a requirement, it locks us in. We have to have it, which means we start structuring our lives around it. For lots of us, it’s more than just coffee and there’s nothing wrong with any of these things, but soon the requirements for a happy life start piling up. What happens if you can’t have these things — does it make you unhappy or stressed out? What happens when we let go of these needs and just keep them as a “nice-to-have” option? These questions by Leo Babauta awakened me later last year and I am sure, right now, you are thinking about it too.

Minimalization is not about organizing and moving stuff so that you don't see them anymore, the goal is to get rid of them.

That was on our first life. Now, about the second one, the Digital one. How many of you have screens full of icons and notifications? If I am not wrong, almost all of you. And how do you feel about it? You probably have no idea because you haven’t thought about it for even once, right? wrong. You know that feeling. You know your urge to respond to every message or check email every 15…

