Why Evergreen Content Is The Best Strategy For Your Brand

Anastasia Shch
The Startup
Published in
3 min readJan 25, 2019
Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash

It is hard to imagine a company nowadays that is not present online. All brands, big and small, strive to establish a solid digital presence, attract clients and grow their market share. Digital marketing had been experiencing truly great development in the past decade.

When talking about online presence it is almost impossible to avoid mentioning the content. Since Bill Gates declared content to be a king back in 1996, it grew into a study about development, management and monetization of the information that appears online. I have been working with content strategy for more than 4 years now and I am still fascinated by it.

When developing a content strategy, you might want to pay extra attention to evergreen content. If you haven’t heard this term yet — it is content that remains valid over the time and builds the foundation of your online presence, which goes much further than having social media accounts. It is timeless and it is relevant.

Evergreen content helps to grow your brand, build your audience and establish your business. It is often presented in the form of “How to” articles, reviews, educational videos, lists of resources, FAQ, etc.

What sets it apart from the regular content that is generated every day is that the value of it doesn’t fade away with time. Don’t get me wrong, evergreen content needs updating to maintain it’s relevance, but the key idea is much more fundamental than for everyday content.

Timeless pieces are characterised by the high-quality of the content, the value they provide and the great level of search optimisation, that is aiming to attract the traffic to your website constantly. It keeps users coming back to the source year after year because the information it provides doesn’t go out of the date.

Investing in the lasting content is the way to build a solid foundation for your brand’s presence and reputation online. Just like the pillar that holds a business together, evergreen content helps to define the direction for the marketing strategy and timely content creation. It aids the most to the search engine rankings and traffic generation, which are always are among top priorities in marketing strategy.

Of course, it doesn’t make sense to base it on one type of content only, the healthy mix consists of both timely and timeless pieces. A combination of those helps to serve different purposes and optimise your approach to the audience.

So why evergreen content? Just as I mentioned above — it serves to create the foundation for the whole marketing strategy and brand growth. Once released, it will continue to be the valuable part of your online presence, ensuring non-stop traffic to your website.

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Anastasia Shch
The Startup

Experience Strategist & Maker • Innovation, creativity & entrepreneurship • anastasiashch.com