Why Every Content Creator Needs a Newsletter

Get collecting those email addresses ASAP

Vidhi Mohan
The Startup


Photo by Stephen Phillips - Hostreviews.co.uk on Unsplash

Some people will tell you that newsletters are a thing of the past and you should build your audience on social media instead. I disagree. Every single content creator should have a mailing list and be seeking to actively grow it. Your email list helps you deepen engagement with your audience and build relationships.

You need your own space on the internet. A newsletter gives you exactly that. Many people regularly deactivate their social media accounts but people rarely deactivate their email accounts. When someone subscribes to your list, they are agreeing to stay in touch with you for the foreseeable future. That’s a great opportunity to turn a subscriber into a loyal customer!

Are newsletters still relevant and worthwhile today?

The short answer is yes. People regularly take breaks from social media and deactivate their accounts, move to different platforms, give up social media altogether but they always check their emails. Even when they are on vacation sometimes! When it comes to email marketing, you are not depending on algorithms and the whims of billionaire social-media founders to reach your audience.



Vidhi Mohan
The Startup

Learning to embrace the true joys of life. For more information: www.vidhipssa.com