Why everybody wants to be an influencer and nobody wants a real job anymore

Including myself

Diana Rus
The Startup
4 min readJun 8, 2020


Nowadays everybody that has a social media account follows at least one influencer. It can be a singer, an actor, a business person, or just an Instagram model. At the same time, people criticize influencers saying that it’s not a real job because it’s too easy. But why everybody, including these people, wants to be an influencer.

Recent studies show that people are unhappy with their job and would like to quit. That along with the fact that anxiety is the disease of the century makes it clear why more people want to have a social media job.

Seeing all these happy persons, have money, and do what they want everyday on youtube, Instagram, Tik Tok makes you want the same thing. And it’s not that hard as a lot of influencers say it is. I’m sure your 9–5 job is most likely to be harder, stressful, and underpaid.

Since the days of MySpace or Hi5, people have been posting a lot because they enjoyed showing others their selfie or their dog. Social media has become a huge part of our life, now more than ever.

I believe everyone is a little narcissistic and that’s why social media platforms have so much success. We like to take a picture of ourselves and post them to get the appreciation we deserve.

So how could you not want to post something every day and get money doing it?

Here are some of the reasons why everybody wants to be an influencer and nobody wants a real job anymore:

  • Money. An influencer can make more money in a month than you do in a year. A post on Instagram can be paid between 300–100.000$ depending on the number of followers, engagement, likes.
  • Free time. You will have more free time because you can make/schedule your own “work” program.

Money and Free time go hand in hand. Mainly younger people want to work fewer hours and get paid more. That’s one of the reasons why a lot of students and people in their 20’s are unemployed.

  • No boss. I think this reason is one of the most important ones because nobody wants or likes to have a boss. Studies revealed that more people don’t like to be told what to do and this is a huge impact on overall productivity. Anxiety has a huge part in this, people are stressed because of the tasks they have to fulfill in a specified deadline. Without a boss, the stress is gone as well, and you can choose how much work to do depending on your limits. Studies have also shown that the younger generation doesn’t also want to be the boss. So, being someone else’s boss can be as stressful as having one.
  • Job tasks. A YouTuber, an Instagram, or a TikTok involves filming or photographing yourself or something else. This is something that we all already do and enjoy it. So how could we not enjoy it more when there’s money coming from it? I believe it’s impossible.
  • Opportunities. Being an influencer can make you achieve your dreams. You can partner with a brand you love, you can travel the world or do anything else you love and always wanted to.

These are just a few of the reasons why I think more and more people want o to have a social media career.

But there are disadvantages too. Most of the influencers have anxiety, because of the fear of losing their relevance. If you lose your relevance you lose your job. As an influencer, you can’t just copy what somebody else is doing all the time. You will have to come with ideas, to make sure you are not posting content that can be offensive, to create something that will make people follow you. Also, we changed all the time, we grow, mature and our ideas will change too. How do we know if the new content we want to make a will as like as the old one? We don’t.

I’m sure we all seen a lot of influencers that changed the content they posted. I’m a girl, so I watched a lot of beauty/ lifestyle influencers over the years. I saw the transition from overly saturated videos about DIY, highschool to vlogs, and contend that looks more real. With the change comes the unfollowing too.

This is another disadvantage. As an influencer, you won’t share your posts just with your friends. There will be a lot of people that will dislike you and say it in the comments may be in not a very diplomatic way. I think it is important to be a strong person and not get affected easily.

Of course, that will more influencers and least people to have “normal” jobs comes the question: What jobs will disappear because everybody has a social media job?

In the end, I believe there are a lot of good reasons why people choose to be an influencer and not have a normal job. Why wouldn’t you want to take photos and videos to make more money, have more free time and achieve your dreams? It’s easy to start doing it, you don’t need any money and it’s fun.

