Why I Chose To Ditch Entrepreneurship And Go Back To The Corporate World

Believe it or not, entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone — even for entrepreneurs

Kelly Reeves
The Startup


Photo by Benjamin Wedemeyer on Unsplash

There’s no area of work that’s more glamorized than entrepreneurship. Being your own boss, calling the shots, being the master of your own destiny and schedule... It all sounds great, yet there is a dark underbelly that even the most disgruntled business owners won’t tell you about.

I’ve been an entrepreneur for over 20 years. I never set out to start a company. It just kind of turned out that way, but I loved it. No boss breathing down my neck anymore. No worries about getting fired or laid off. No more grinding out my days for someone else’s bottom line. Now I could get 100% of the sales instead of just 10%. I didn’t have to request PTO. I could do what I want when I want and how I wanted to do it. It was all mine!

So, what changed? Why am I giving all of that up now, especially during what’s been dubbed as “The Great Resignation,” when an estimated 33 million Americans have quit their jobs since the spring of 2021?

Well, things in my life shifted like everyone else's during the past two years. COVID had a major impact on my already limping business. It got to the point where I simply couldn’t catch up. Oh, I…



Kelly Reeves
The Startup

Expert copywriter with a focus on tech, entrepreneurship, and personal growth; former PR flack. Animal rescuer. Prone to random bouts of rancor.