I have had so many ideas.
I am always scared that my future kids will think of me as a stupid father who constantly bullshits and comes home every day with a new business idea.
But I can’t control it. I get excited and curious about almost anything that surrounds me.
I once considered even getting into the business of manufacturing custom designed remote controllers for garage doors.
I just can’t stop myself.
It also happens very often when I am with friends.
So, we meet for a coffee. They start talking and I start listening to them.
Then, the same thing happens. I catch a word or a phrase in a sentence my friends just say and I get lost.
“Oh man, so the girl sent me this stupid sticker”, says my friend.
I stop listening to him and start thinking whether those “stupid stickers” we send each other on chatting apps would make money back in Rome, Italy.
My brain starts generating ideas. The problem is that it generates so many of them in such a short time that it leaves me completely exhausted.
Within few minutes, I can’t even remember those stupid stickers anymore.