Why I Won’t Take The One Post A Day Challenge

And why it might be a mistake

Nick Bonnassies
The Startup
Published in
4 min readOct 15, 2018


All the bloggers around me are doing it.

One Post, every day, for one month.

On the paper, this is very BANKABLE. Meaning, if done well, it will bring you a lot, a big audience and huge traffic.

In a world of consumerism, you need to feed your audience.

One post a day is the best way to grow your crowd.

Be respected as a writer.

So, why am I not doing it?

Well, as for a start, I don’t pretend to be a writer. Not yet at least.

Of course I wish to write my own book (It is actually in process).

But I’m more of a talker than a writer. Those who really know me can vouch for it.

I actually have opened an Anchor account not so long ago, which I really need to work on. Yet, talking to my mobile phone is not giving me thrills as for now.

Here is my second point:

There are so many social medias I’m attached to, such as Facebook and Instagram.

There are the social medias I want to develop like Anchor and LinkedIn.

And there is Medium, the social media I had never thought about before (Thanks and for pushing me).

I am not gonna lie, I actually find it quite fun and addictive.

That is leading me to my third point and maybe the most important:

I’m not here to chit chat with you.

I have Snapchat for that.

No, I really want to use Medium as a way to connect with interesting people (which I rapidly have here) and share valuable content.

My point being, there is so much to write about, but to do it everyday obviously reduce the quality of the work.

Now, if you do post once a day.

You have my total admiration.

I recognize the challenge of commitment.

It is just not for me.

I challenged myself to do three posts a week during my first month, this September.

It worked out pretty well, I got published in 2 of the top 100 publications on here.

My first month on Medium in numbers

I now may push once or twice a week.

Some stories will be more personal some will be tips you can use.

Either way, full of content.

So let’s stay connected.

3, 2, 1… ACTION!

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Nick Bonnassies
The Startup

From Waiter to Winner | $750.000 sales in 6 months | Neuroscientist, Master Practitioner in NLP & Hypnotherapist designed to help people grow 🚀🚀