Why I’ll Always Be a Solopreneur

Keeping your business (very) small can be a long-term plan.

Karen Banes
The Startup


There’s an obsession with growth when it comes to business. Grow your company, grow your revenue, grow your team. While I’m more than happy to grow, both personally and professionally, I don’t believe in growth at any cost. Specifically I don’t believe in growth at the cost of freedom.

I’m a solopreneur, and I have every intention of staying that way. Solopreneurship is something that people (and spell checking programs) tend to have a problem with, which always surprises me because in the circles I move in, it’s very much a thing. In fact, my articles on solopreneurship are some of my most popular content.

I’ve come to realise, however, that my readers are split into two camps: solopreneurs by choice vs solopreneurs by necessity. The first camp tend to be free-thinking, freedom loving, lifestyle solopreneurs. The second are short-term solopreneurs, intending to stay in solo mode only as long as it takes them to gather the resources they need for growth: the money they need to build their team.

Both camps are valid places to be, but I’m pretty sure I’ll always be in the first. Here’s why:

There’s amazing freedom in NOT being responsible for employees



Karen Banes
The Startup

Freelance writer sharing thoughts on life, society, creativity, and productivity. https://changetheworldwithwords.substack.com