
Why Intelligent, Ambitious People Often Fail In Online Business

Thinking is a double-edged sword.

Nick Wolny
The Startup
Published in
7 min readJun 7, 2021


Source: Licensed From DepositPhotos

Are you curious about the creator economy, but find yourself getting stuck or stopped when it’s time to make decisions?

Do you feel like your brain is buzzing with ideas around how to make money online, leaving you excited — but also unable to focus?

If you’re smart and/or ambitious, online business and the overall creator economy could be your opportunity to flourish.

To do so, however… you’ll have to get out of your own head first. Let’s discuss how to spot some of the most common obstacles to getting started online — and how to overcome them.

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Why smart, ambitious people often struggle in online business

Creatives and innovators tend to make up the bulk of the online entrepreneur community. These same people are also highly susceptible to one of the most common and challenging roadblocks to getting started online: Overthinking it.



Nick Wolny
The Startup

Finance columnist, Out magazine. Sign up for Financialicious, a newsletter on personal finance and LGBTQ+ topics: nickwolny.com.