Why Is Nobody Talking About This Passive Income Method?

It’s not always about the big things.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
The Startup


Photo by Simona Todorova on Unsplash

Whenever we read about passive income, it’s the big stuff like

  • real estate
  • courses
  • investments

These things take a lot of time, and something like real estate requires substantial capital too. Which, let’s be honest, isn’t so easy.

Let’s talk about courses too.

So you record videos and launch a course. What next? Who will buy it? And why will they buy it?

While I have a course, it started after 18 months of writing online and it’s not my cash cow or a passive income source. Because I want to interact and be more present and form a relationship with people, but that's just me.

And even then, the anxiety of why will somebody pay for this takes over me before the cohort launches. So launching a course is much harder but people online make it sound like a money-making thing.

Don’t fall for it.

Here’s something low effort that can help you make money.

The Easy Stuff

I’m going to be honest and tell you this won’t pump in a lot of money upfront. If you want to learn how to make…

