Why Kotlin and Swift Are Siblings?

A comparison between two famous modern-day programming languages

Mohit Malhotra
The Startup


The world of software development has evidenced drastic changes in the development platforms and programming languages since 2010. A huge support for the mobile development community has been provided by the pioneer tech companies such as Google, Apple etc.

Demands of modern developers gave rise to the more powerful and more advanced high level programming languages like Kotlin and Swift. Every modern programming language tried to satisfy the requirements of developer in order to produce much faster, reliable and flexible software systems.

Hence, the languages offer lots of similarities wrapped up in different flavours. As Iphones and Android smartphones has covered majority of the market. Kotlin (Android) and Swift (IOS) became the two highlights in the world of mobile development.

Lets talk about how close the two famous programming languages are in design and detail.


Both of them resembles each other in syntax. Swift uses let to initialize constants where as Kotlin uses val for the same purpose.



Mohit Malhotra
The Startup

Technologist | Software developer of World’s smallest ventilator | Tech Consultant