Why Making YouTube Videos Is a Massive Waste of Your Time

What you should do instead as a beginner video creator

Ryan Porter
The Startup


Photo by AQVIEWS on Unsplash

I’m stunned when I see new creators talk about YouTube.

“I want 100,000 subs.”

“It’s a goldmine.”

“It’s the future.”

YouTube is a great platform but a poor choice for new video creators.

Think about it…

Why would you make a 10+ minute video you’re not sure will perform well?

  • You need to write a perfectly refined script
  • You need decent video equipment
  • You got to edit (or hire someone)

Even if you have the base skills down, it still takes days, if not weeks, to produce one YouTube video. And to top it off, most beginners will waste days just for a measly 227 views (that’s on the high end).

So what’s the solution?

Short-form videos — here are three quick reasons why.

1. Top-of-funnel reach is better than long-form

Short-form videos are the only 10x growth opportunity these days.



Ryan Porter
The Startup

I manage an $8-figure media team across 3 brands — I’ll help you make videos so you can grow yours. Join 500+ creators https://wordstovideos.carrd.co/