Why Many People Fail at Learning How to Code

About common mistakes in the learning process and how to avoid them

Yanneck Reiß
The Startup


Photo by Clemens van Lay on Unsplash

The digitalization led us to a point where most of our industries at some stage require coding skills. Therefore it is commonly said that programming is one of the most important skills to learn in the twenty-first-century.

Besides that, nowadays almost everyone has daily contact with computers and therefore potential the ability to access all the tools required to start coding. And even if that may have been a hurdle in the past for some people, the preconception of the nerdy programmer has long since passed.

These points may be only some of the reasons but summarized enough for many to raise interest in trying to learn how to code.

When I look back on my early student days or even at my career as a professional software developer, I repeatedly saw examples where people failed to learn how to code. It didn’t matter whether they were fellow students or career changers at work. I could see the same mistakes over and over again. Some of these people even came to a point where they developed some kind of coding anxiety.

In the following, I want to share my experiences with these common mistakes or misbehaviors of people who get into coding or even already…



Yanneck Reiß
The Startup

Follow me on my journey as a professional mobile and fullstack developer