Why My Secret of Life Is Better Than Yours

Saar Oron⁦⁦👈
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJul 23, 2018


Just like you, there has been many times in my life when I found myself defending my choices. Regardless of whether those were right or wrong, I was trying to persuade others that my choices were the absolute truth and all else was wrong.

“Tell us More!”

The truth, of course, isn’t as simple as Star Wars. Our lives are not a “dark side vs light side” type of story.
One thing might work tremendously well for you, but wouldn’t work for me. Yet, somehow, we tend to think that what is right for us is right for everyone. And when we don’t know what’s right for us — we look for someone else’s solution. That’s why we fall for these clickbaits: ‘Follow 8 simple steps and lose 15KG in under a month’. Logically, we all agree that there isn’t one diet that is going to work for every single person on the planet, but somehow we still look for that magical answer to our problem.

In fact, most of us spend our lives trying to find that magical formula. This “secret of life”. This phenomenon has been portrayed exceptionally well in Monty Python’s ‘Life of Brianwhere a group of individuals who believed young Brian Cohen had that “secret of life” and immediately labelled him as the Messiah. Brian kept telling his new followers he is not the Messiah, but they wouldn’t listen. One of them even said: “I



Saar Oron⁦⁦👈
The Startup

Self-improvement content to help you & I live a life of fulfillment.