Why Remote Work Is Here to Stay

Welcome to the future.

Eric Sangerma
The Startup


I’ve left the corporate grind in 2005 and never looked back. And whatever the future may bring, I know I’m going to keep working remotely.

So when I stumbled upon the following article: Remote Work is Not Here to Stay, I felt the need to give it a proper response.

For the last 6 years, I have been the owner of a fully distributed/remote company with employees scattered across three continents.

My personal experience doesn’t fit the author’s arguments. I also disagree with her conclusions, and here’s why.

Clinging to Tradition Doesn’t Work

Of course, working from home is not an option for many industries.

Some people can’t stay home despite the current circumstances — medical professionals, caregivers, construction workers, and many others. They deserve our utmost respect and support.

But at the same time, it’s no secret automation is changing the future of work. Many jobs are being replaced, with advanced tech getting used in exciting ways across all industries.

Today, there is a growing emphasis on creative, intellectual work rather than mechanical work.



Eric Sangerma
The Startup

I Help Companies Excel and Individuals Thrive. I write about Mental Health, Relationships and Productivity. Follow me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericsangerma/