Why Rich People Would Rather Give Than Receive

One of the world’s oldest marketing secrets

Genius Turner
The Startup


Bill Gates — the most generous philanthropist in the US — helping to promote a charitable cause.
Source: Guerric on Flickr

A Teachable Moment

A year or so ago, one of my dear friends — now manager — Goddess invited me out. It was Fashion Week in the city so nice they had to name it twice.

She wanted to introduce me to an investor. Apparently, he was on the verge of launching a new product and needed a few decent writers to contribute content to the website.

“Count me in!” I said.

Now — I must confess — I’m a bit of a hermit. Goddess, on the other hand, is somewhat of a Manhattan socialite. Perhaps that old notion of opposites attract serves as the basis of our partnership.

At any rate, I recall vividly that evening riding the subway to the event. There was a homeless man, whose portrait remains planted firmly in my mind’s museum. He grumbled, “Can somebody please help me out… any change will do?”

He just as well had been channeling his inner-Pink Floyd. After all, the collective response from his audience on the 1-Train was: “Your lips move, but I can’t hear what you’re saying.”

The above teachable moment served to remind me of one of life’s oldest lessons:



Genius Turner
The Startup

My work’s popular in academia (biology, psychology, logic, etc) + Signed to the same agency as Eckhart Tolle = I’m an ordinary guy serving an extraordinary God.