Why ‘Right-Brain Writing’ Makes Writing Exhilarating Again

Everyone is way too obsessed with left-brain writing tips.

James Taylor Foreman
The Startup


Photo by Sir Manuel on Unsplash

Anorexia, like bad writing, is a problem of perception.

People with the disease literally can’t see their bodies anymore — they see parts of their bodies.

They see a layer of fat on their disembodied arm, for example. It doesn’t matter how much you tell them it’s a healthy part of a whole person — they can’t see what you see.

This is a well-documented problem of too much left brain.

The left brain focuses on parts, processes, and linear reason.

The right brain takes in the whole image and plays in dreams and imagination.

Stop looking so hard at the parts of your writing. Loosen up to see the whole. Here’s how.

Read to the end — I give step-by-step advice on how to start writing.

What Right Brain Writing Feels Like

If you’re a good dancer, it’s hard to explain how to dance to an awkward dancer (me).

“Just get out there and be the biggest idiot on the dance floor.” That’s what my brother told me. It’s not exactly what you do, but it gets you in the right headspace: it’s not…



James Taylor Foreman
The Startup

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