Why starting is the hardest part (and how to overcome it)

Richard Michael Hui
The Startup
Published in
8 min readAug 28, 2019


Photo by Michael Mouritz on Unsplash

I write this first story with fear, anxiety, and uncertainty as my companions on this new journey. “Mutual friends” that we all have met. There they stand, just outside the borders of my circle of comfort, patiently waiting for me step out and explore.

They were there when my parents left me in the UK for the first time to attend university. They were there when I got behind the wheel the first time to learn how to drive. They are there whenever I’m done cooking a new dish for the first time and just about to serve my guest. Almost as if they too, were part of the dinner party.

We curse them. Blame them for all the reasons why we have failed and the scars they left us. “I was afraid to fall, so I did not learn” you tell yourself as you sit to one side while watching your friends ski together and having fun. “There was too much to learn and I didn’t know how or where to start”. Those words echoing in your mind as you continue to slave away at a job you hate, too afraid to lose the little bit of security you’ve managed to scrape together.

Imagine the number of unrealized dreams and potential locked away simply because we are afraid to start. Terrifying isn’t it?

The fear, defined



Richard Michael Hui
The Startup

Self-Help and Personal Development Enthusiast | Introspective Introvert | Explorer of Our Odd Behaviour