Why Stocks Rallied During Riots

Andrew Busch
The Startup
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2021


The #CapitolRiots of last week will transcend our time and will likely be referred to as the “Electoral Rebellion of 2021.” Think Whiskey Rebellion, where President Washington had to send troops into a state to quell a revolt.

Source: History.com

In this case, we had President Trump sending supporters in D.C. to change/protest an election on Capitol Hills. Thirty years from now, it will be difficult for historians to explain and for students to understand how a hostile mob was able to breach Congress when it was well known they would be coming. While some may attempt to dismiss this event as overblown by the media, the fact is our nation’s capital was overrun quite easily by demonstrators wanting to change the outcome of a peaceful election and disrupt the business of the nation.

Source: WaPO

Moreover, it disrupts the message of our country to the world. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address comes to mind, take a moment to reread it. Our nation has been a beacon of hope to every nation struggling to achieve a sustainable representative government, to every nation…



Andrew Busch
The Startup

Andrew B. Busch is the former 1st Chief Market Intelligence Officer for the US government.