Why The Future of Business-to-Consumer Communication is Text-Based

How Business Owners Must Cater To ‘Generation Mute’

Feliks Eyser
The Startup


Mobile messaging — the future operating system for business communication. Illustration: Ariane Frida Sofie

A nasty spider bit my friend Josh! Here in Bali, Indonesia, it happens more often than you’d think. Paradise has its price. But don’t worry! Josh sent a photo of the bite to his doctor over WhatsApp. Moments later, he learned the name of the right medicine. Another 30 minutes passed before the GoJek driver texted that he had left the creme at the doorstep: Josh 1, spider 0.

WhatsApp makes life easy in paradise. Want to rent a scooter? Just text and they’ll deliver. Enjoy Nasi Goreng? Reserve a table at your favorite restaurant by chat. Book a spot at yoga? Write. Extend your room? You get the point… Everything is done on chat. WhatsApp is the operating system of small business.

Messages with benefits

Imagine all the benefits of texting versus calling. Chat is so simple and fast. When was the last time you tried to change your rental car reservation over the phone, and how much did you enjoy the experience? Here, it literally takes five seconds (eight if you’re currently sitting on the vehicle).



Feliks Eyser
The Startup

Tech founder & investor from 🇩🇪. Sharing experiences for first-time founders💡🛠🚀