Why Working Hard Doesn’t Make You Successful

And what really does…

Dr. Eugene K. Choi
The Startup


Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

Work hard and you’ll succeed.

This advice is everywhere, but it’s a bit frustrating.

But why is it that there are millions of people who work hard, but don’t reach financial wealth?

And why is it that so many of the people who do achieve financial success end up unhappy?

It hit me that something is still missing.

If working hard is the only thing you are doing, then you’re setting yourself up for failure.

Here’s what I mean.

Why We Succeed But Don’t Feel Successful

Author and speaker, Simon Sinek, once spoke at an event for high-performing entrepreneurs. He asked the group to raise their hands if they’ve achieved their financial goals.

80% of the room raised their hands.

Then Sinek asked the question,

“How many of you feel successful?”

That’s when 80 percent of the hands went down.

This illustrates an important truth.

What most people would define as successful doesn’t make us feel successful.



Dr. Eugene K. Choi
The Startup

Using neuroscience + technology to help entrepreneurs eliminate overwhelm, anxiety, and procrastination. FREE training series: https://destinyhacks.co